<< 14/08/2022

How To Defeat a Dragon|


I've spend quite some time learning about reverse and studying assembly, This one was my starting task and I got excited to solve ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ).

Task :

Task Files : Vault.rar [download]

> After Downloading the attached file I didn't bother running it and I directly threw it into IDA and hit the decompile button (F5).

> By doing that i got this :

> That's obviously the flag, Reading back the task description, Hexadecimal was mentioned, Taking the piece of text inside the curly braces :


> Putting it inside a decryptor like cyberchef and using the "from hex" add-on gave me this :

> FLAG : SHELLCTF{15_R3v3r51ng_34sy?}